Sandi Busch


Falling Waters, WV, United States

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Past articles by Sandi:

Low-Carb Diet & Tofu

There’s no doubt tofu belongs in a low-carb diet. For starters, most types of tofu are very low in net carbs. Beyond that key point, tofu works as a protein alternative to meat and poultry, is low in calories and provides heart-healthy unsaturated fats for energy. Because it’s made from soy milk that’s curdled then pressed to... → Read More

The "Do Not Eat" List for Low-Carb Diets

Following a low-carb diet can help you lose weight, keep blood sugar balanced and lower the amount of triglycerides in the bloodstream. The tricky part is deciding how many carbs you’ll consume and being careful not to go too low unless you’re under the supervision of a registered dietitian or your physician. While some carb-containing... → Read More

Is There Caffeine in Chai Tea?

Whether you enjoy a cup of chai tea that’s heavy on the spices or prefer a more mellow blend, you can be sure it contains black tea -- and black tea contains caffeine. Of course, you can buy decaffeinated chai tea bags, but if it’s made with natural black tea leaves, you're going to get some caffeine along with all the spices. → Read More

What Is the Daily Recommended Serving Size of Fruits & Vegetables?

When you consume the recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables, you get the variety of nutrients and phytochemicals needed to help lower your risk of heart disease, prevent cancer and other illnesses and maintain optimal health, reports the Harvard School of Public Health. You may find some sources, such as nutrition labels, that use... → Read More

Can You Lose Weight If You Stop Eating After 6 PM?

Eliminating food after 6:00 p.m. is one way to restrict the total number of calories you consume each day -- which is a good weight loss strategy, but it won’t magically help you lose weight. Eating small, nutrient-rich snacks after 6:00 p.m. may even have some benefits, such as boosting muscle protein synthesis. In the end, the time of day... → Read More

Recommended Daily Servings for Each of the Food Groups

The U.S. Department of Agriculture established recommended daily servings for each food group to provide an easy tool for creating a healthy, balanced diet. These requirements are for people who exercise for 30 minutes or less daily. If you’re more active, the "Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010," provided by the USDA and U.S.... → Read More

Can You Eat Oatmeal on a Low-Carb Diet & Still Lose Weight?

Whole-grain oatmeal is a good fit with most low-carb diets, and it’s low enough in calories that you can easily put it on the menu and still lose weight. Oatmeal’s fiber satisfies hunger, and its protein helps you feel satisfied after you eat. While you’ll need to be careful about toppings -- and avoid those that are high in... → Read More

Can You Eat Oatmeal on a Low-Carb Diet & Still Lose Weight?

Whole-grain oatmeal is a good fit with most low-carb diets, and it’s low enough in calories that you can easily put it on the menu and still lose weight. Oatmeal’s fiber satisfies hunger, and its protein helps you feel satisfied after you eat. While you’ll need to be careful about toppings -- and avoid those that are high in... → Read More

Is Juicing Raw Vegetables Good for You?

Fresh vegetable juice is a healthy option for meeting your daily vegetable requirement. When you juice raw vegetables, you gain almost all of their natural nutrients, including antioxidant phytochemicals. You can also control the ingredients, thus avoiding any extra sweeteners or additives found in commercial vegetable juices. However, juice has... → Read More

How Many Carbs Should I Eat to Prevent Ketosis?

When you’re on a low-carb diet, your body kicks into action, breaking down fats into ketone bodies to use for energy. This increase in ketones -- called ketosis -- is a normal adaptation to cutting carbs. In fact, the switch to ketosis is why low-carb diets work. Even though you could eat enough carbs to prevent ketosis, it's important to... → Read More

Benefits of Vitamin D-3 Plus Fish Oil Supplements

Preventing a nutritional deficiency is the biggest benefit of taking vitamin D-3 plus fish oil. Studies published to date haven’t explored the advantages of combining the two, but individually, vitamin D-3 and fish oil support your bones, blood vessels and immune system. Large doses of supplements can cause side effects and interact with... → Read More

GLA & Weight Loss

Gamma-linolenic acid, or GLA, is an omega-6 fatty acid that’s good for you. Like the healthy fatty acids found in fish oil, the omega-3 fatty acids, GLA has an anti-inflammatory influence in your body. While there's little evidence that suggests GLA helps you lose weight, it may show more promise for keeping the weight off after... → Read More

How to Lose 15 Pounds in One Month

Someone who is quite overweight can lose 15 pounds in one month, or almost 4 pounds a week. However, that type of rapid weight loss is difficult to achieve, and you're likely to regain the pounds more quickly than they drop. You’ll have better success if you lose 15 pounds over two, or even three, months. But if you're determined to... → Read More

Can You Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks Naturally?

Restricting calories and getting aerobic exercise may result in a loss of 10 pounds over two weeks, but it’s not a realistic goal for everyone -- it's downright impossible for some. Calories must be severely reduced, which may not be feasible, and isn't a "natural" way to lose weight. You’ll also need a regular regimen... → Read More

Nutrition for One Cup of Egg Whites

The nutrients you'll gain from a cup of egg whites depends on how they're used. If you bake a cake, then each slice contains a fraction of the total nutrients. If you plan to make an omelet, however, it is possible to consume an entire cup of egg whites. They're low enough in calories that you'll gain lots of protein without ruining your diet. Just... → Read More

2 Reasons Your Body Will Thank You for Eating Less Red Meat

Is red meat bad for you? While red meat offers nutritional benefits, regularly eating cuts high in saturated fat and cholesterol is linked to disease risk. → Read More

Signs and Symptoms of Too Much Salt in the Diet

Most Americans consume too much salt in their diet. If you're worried about hypernatremia, or excessive sodium, then beware of the symptoms of too much sodium. → Read More

How Many Calories Are in a Tuna & Mayo Sandwich?

A tuna sandwich makes a nutrient-rich lunch or dinner. Tuna contributes protein, vitamin B-12 and healthy omega-3 fatty acids. It fulfills one of the two servings of fish per week recommended by the American Heart Association to lower your risk of cardiovascular disease. Whole-grain bread delivers fiber, B vitamins and minerals. You can gain all of... → Read More