Dorinda Medley, Bravotv

Dorinda Medley


New York, NY, United States

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Past articles by Dorinda:

Dorinda Medley: I Don't Think I've Ever Laughed as Much as I Did Watching This Episode

Mexico is over and now we are fast approaching the final episode. How did that happen so fast?! The trip was an amazing fun-filled adventure. I don't think I've ever laughed as much as I did watching this episode. → Read More

Dorinda Medley: Who Gets a Penis Picture by Mistake?

Well we finally made it to Mexico, and yes, Ramona is with us! The trip started early in the morning (at 3 AM) and involved connections and layovers. We finally arrived, and I have to admit I was exhausted. I was personally ready to get in the car, have a quiet ride to the house, have a welcome drink, and go to the beach. But alas, that never happens, does it? → Read More

Dorinda Medley: Why Was Missy There?

Although it was quite nice to see Ramona's new digs, I think it was completely overshadowed by the fact she invited Tom's ex-girlfriend Missy. Was this planned to once again hurt Luann? If I were Missy, I would not have even attended or would have left as soon as I saw Luann and Tom. WTF? Luann is far more tolerant than I am. I would have confronted Ramona on the spot and left immediately. → Read More

Dorinda Medley: Talk About Entitlement

What is really there to say? Every year I hope for the best when it comes to our holiday trip to the Berkshires, but this year was probably the worst yet. I'm still trying to piece it together and get my head around it all. It's not bad enough that my home was treated like a hangout for a rock concert, but even worse, once again, Bethenny Frankel felt uncomfortable, was treated horribly by… → Read More

Dorinda Medley: The Whole Thing Makes Me Incredibly Uncomfortable

Sorry I missed my blog last week. We can catch up this week! What would a season of RHONY be without a Christmas/birthday trip to the Berkshires? As everyone knows, I love holidays—ALL HOLIDAYS in fact—but Christmas? Well that's my opportunity to really "make it nice!" I know I just had to! This year I tried to change it up a bit. I added a few more decorations, planned for some activities for… → Read More

Dorinda Medley: Sonja Finds It Impossible to Ever Be Supportive of Me

Well Hannah is moving out, and I am happy for her and kinda sad for me, but also excited! It's the first time I am going to live alone in 23 years. I am hoping to freshen up my apartment and make it mine all mine! → Read More

Dorinda Medley: I Have Never Seen Luann Happier

As you can imagine, this was both a very emotional and therapeutic episode for me. It's been five years since Richard passed and I feel it is truly a turning point. Enough time has passed to grieve, accept my new life, and really understand he's never coming back. I was overwhelmed and deeply touched by Hannah's speech. You only saw a small part of it but it was incredible and heartfelt. I… → Read More

Dorinda Medley: You Go Low, I Go Lower

I just couldn't wait for dessert! → Read More

Dorinda Medley: That's a Supreme No-No

Enough is enough! → Read More