Mayo Oshin, Ladders

Mayo Oshin


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Past articles by Mayo:

Are creative geniuses born or made?

“The genius,” wrote German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, “lights on his age like a comet into the paths of the planets.” Throughout history a handful of exceptional individuals have made groundbreaking contributions to their fields, and changed the face of the world. A few names come to mind: Leonardo Da Vinci, Aristotle, Albert Einstein, Mozart, Marie Curie, to name a few. We recognize… → Read More

5 hidden causes of stress and anxiety

Before diving into the root causes of stress and anxiety, it’s important that we briefly explore what happens inside the body in response to stressors. → Read More

Entropy: why life seems so hard and complicated

Why do we often feel trapped in life? Why does life sometimes seem so hard and complicated?The answer to these questions can be found in an important concept in physics and chemistry.It’s called entropy. → Read More

How to think outside the box and innovate new ideas

Is it possible that all this time you’ve had ‘Fosbury flop’ ideas cross your mind? Have you dismissed these ideas because they seem ‘unrealistic’? → Read More

The science behind why we keep making the same mistakes over and over again

In today’s media-driven culture, failures and mistakes are not only displayed to the public eye but they're also stigmatized within the workplace. → Read More

9 life lessons from Seneca on how to manage your time effectively

Seneca’s words of wisdom are a powerful reminder to treat time as our most valuable, non-renewable resource. They reveal a puzzling paradox in human life. → Read More

The 3 early warning signs of burnout before it destroys your career and relationships

Drastic, painful changes need to be made: leaving a high-paying job, relocation, downsizing a home, or significantly slowing down the growth of a business. → Read More

The 10 best books of all time chosen by 125 famous authors

Sir Francis Bacon once said “Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly.” But with so little time to read so many books, how do we avoid reading bad books and find the great few books to read that “should be chewed and digested thoroughly?” In the early 2000s, John Peder Zane—an American journalist—set out to answer this question. Over a… → Read More

The power of constraints: How Dr. Seuss used only 50 words to write his best-selling book of all time

Often we attempt to escape the constraints around us, try to “think outside the box” and procrastinate on taking action. → Read More

How to (finally) stick to your goals even if you have no motivation to do anything

You may stumble, make mistakes and even fail, but as long as you remember who you really are, you will always stand back up and keep going. → Read More

This “4-7-8” breathing hack could help you fall asleep in 60 seconds or less

If we don’t learn to sleep well, how can we perform at our best every day? Good sleep gives us the necessary energy, health and mental edge. → Read More

The only thing you should give up to be happy again (the story of a Fisherman and a Banker)

If you truly want to be happy again, the only thing you should give up is trying to get something in the future to make you happy. → Read More

The most satisfying way to deal with criticism and people who judge you unfairly

The most satisfying way to deal with people who judge you unfairly is to shift your focus from you (and your ego) to being a servant leader for others. → Read More

How to develop mental toughness in the face of adversity

They don’t let failure and adversity stop them from taking steps forward. Instead, they let go of the past, learn from their mistakes. → Read More

Why waiting is the difference between success and failure

We can save ourselves from stress, and bad mistakes that waste valuable time and money, if we simply wait a bit longer before making decisions. → Read More

Warren Buffett’s “3-step” 5/25 strategy: how to focus and prioritize your time like a billionaire

By practicing ruthless elimination and focusing on your very few, but truly important goals, you’ll consistently achieve your goals for a lifetime. → Read More

The Stanford study reveals why some people are more likely to succeed than others

In the end, self-control is a skill that you can develop today.Yes, it can be difficult at first, but so it is with anything else in life. → Read More

You're not lazy. You're afraid.

Visualize the worst-case scenarios: The painful scenes of failure and disappointment.Make peace with them. Then take action anyway. → Read More

The real reason why you're always tired and low on energy, even though you get enough sleep every night

Nothing seems to give you enough energy to get important things done.Why are we always tired, despite living a relatively healthy lifestyle? → Read More

How to undo the damage of sitting down all day with this 5 minute mobility exercise

Several studies have noted that sitting down too much may lead to an increased likelihood of heart disease, diabetes and obesity. → Read More