Zach Heller, Business 2 Community

Zach Heller

Business 2 Community

New York, NY, United States

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Past articles by Zach:

Data Analysts Are a Marketer’s Best Friend

Marketers today need to be comfortable with data. They need to be able to understand what the data is telling…… → Read More

Keys to a Successful Product Launch

There are some products that take a long time to gain traction in the marketplace. Those are the exceptions for two reasons: 1) There are few companies that can afford to sustain a new product that does not gain immediate traction 2) Newer products will often improve upon prior iterations by the same company or competitors and so will crowd out older products with little market share And so we… → Read More

Who is the Voice of the Customer?

The voice of the customer is a very important person in any company. This is the person that sees things the way your customers see them. This is the person that raises their hand in a meeting and tells you that the customer is not going to like a new policy or feature. This is the person who is going to evaluate all internal decisions based on the impact on existing customers. Without the voice… → Read More

When to Look for Incremental Growth

There are boom times for business, and there are slow times. This goes for entire industries as well as individual companies. The typical business lifecycle looks like this: * Startup * Growth * Maturity * Renewal or Decline This same lifecycle can also apply to individual product lines. In the startup phase, everything is new and the company is still trying to match a solution to a problem in… → Read More

How to Tell If You Are Emailing Your Subscribers Too Often

Marketers have been using email as a way to communicate with customers and prospective customers for many years now. As a marketing channel, email has consistently had the highest return on investment. That’s partly because email is so cheap that it’s practically free. And because email works so well, it has often been the case that we, as marketers, come back to it again and again. Adding a new… → Read More

Does SEO Conflict with User Experience?

If you work with an SEO expert, you have encounter times when her recommendations or priorities conflict with the overall goal of improving the website. This will happen when content changes on the website are written for search engines and not for real people. Let’s look at an example: Say you are responsible for your company’s website experience. You sell books online, and some of your key… → Read More

Who is Responsible for the Performance of Your Website?

On Monday, we tried to answer the question, “what is your website for?” Today, we want to take on the…… → Read More

How to Do Ad Copy Testing

Ad copy testing is so easy, anyone can do it. But doing it right is important. So we wanted to…… → Read More

CRO: Top of Funnel vs. Bottom of Funnel Changes

When it comes to conversion rate optimization, you already know that there are an infinite number of tests you can run. The only constraint should be the amount of time, money, and other resources you can devote to improving the overall experience. Because most companies don’t have an unlimited budget to throw at CRO, you will be forced to prioritize. And those marketing teams who are best able… → Read More

CRO: Small Improvements Can Lead to Huge Wins

Conversion rate optimization, or CRO, is the process of making changes in the many different places and ways that users…… → Read More

How to Get People to Click on Your Buttons: A Crash Course

Buttons are everywhere online, having replaced text links in most places as new technology has shifted consumers from clicking our mice to tapping our fingers. Buttons are the go-to link. And they are critical for marketers to get right. Why? Because buttons act as your calls to action and navigation. They are the tools that people use to get where they want to go, as well as the tools we use to… → Read More

Different Emails Deserve Different Designs

There seems to be a tendency with many companies these days to settle on one email design and use it…… → Read More

SEO is a Myth, and Other Myths

People will say almost anything only to get attention – including stating blatantly untrue facts. We all know the problems…… → Read More

90% of Your Emails Are Being Opened on a Phone

The latest email stats are in, and the shift to mobile has only continued. The latest analyses show that 59% of all emails are opened on a mobile device. This number has been steadily rising over the last decade, up from just 25% in 2012. And it includes people who are using email for work, which is more often done on a desktop or laptop computer. So if you want to know how many of your… → Read More

When Everyone is Using the Same Algorithm, What Happens to Competition?

But in some cases, it seems likely that we will all be working with the same algorithm. When that happens, it is unclear who wins. Do we all win? Do we all lose? How can competition exist in an arena where every company is using the same algorithm? This was a question of some debate at a recent meeting of marketing professionals in New York City. The discussion revolved around the growing role… → Read More

Design for Idiots

Website design is not easy. And that fact in itself presents an opportunity. Because you can choose to be better than your competition. And many companies today are finally prioritizing user experience. And design is a major part of experience. There are many different theories on what makes “good design”. But let me propose one to you that is simple, and in my experience, quite effective.… → Read More

Writing for Reading

Everyone on the marketing team is a writer sometimes. Whether you are writing copy for the website or advertisement, writing an email to a partner or business associate, or writing the content of an internal presentation, you will become a writer. And it is critical, in those times, to know who you are writing for. Writers, those who do it for a living, develop a writing style. They write… → Read More

Make an Impact Today

There is a good way and a bad way to become more productive. The bad way is to become a…… → Read More

Best Algorithm Wins

The age of AI is upon us. As marketers, we must embrace it. If we do, and if we can find the opportunities to use artificial intelligence to our company’s advantage, there will be nothing but success in our future. Those who don’t, those who fight back against the changing tide, who insist on doing things the old way, are going to quickly find themselves out of a job. They will be passed over… → Read More

Does Everyone on Your Team Know the Goals?

Transparency in business leadership is critical. When leaders are transparent, they build trust and credibility. Their teams generally have a…… → Read More